Tuesday 28 February 2012

Final Tasmanian Blog

Gill Mandeno Chairman of the Commonwealth Fly Fishers

Chris Bassano waiting to make his winning speech

With Peter Underwood's ( Governer of Tasmania) sergeant at arms

With Garth my controller after my final session on the Meander River we got on really well from the start. He relaxed me after seeing 30 plus Comorants in a tree next to my peg!! On the session on the South Esk river I had a Platypus swimming in my first pool ,I did't know whether to scare it, shoot it, shout at it,  or eat it!!!!- Any way the picture shows Garth having called time- 6 fish measured-Done all I can ,finally I can relax!
With Malcolm Crosse who brilliantly organised the event with his team, over 18 months.

Finally a big thank-you from Janet and me, to all in Tasmania for your kindness hospitality, and generiosity on our trip, and especially the Controllers who gave up their time.

For those planning to visit Tasmania, you will have the holiday of a lifetime.

Bernie Maher
28th February 2012

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