Sunday 19 February 2012

at Launceston airport heading to Sydney
left the country hotel yesterday and travelled up on to Chris and Krystal Bassano's place up on the high plateau.

Chris won the Gold team and the individual by some way i.e he had 31 fish the Irish angler who came second had 18. Chris was moaning about how many he lost!!!!
We travelled to his farm ( where he wanted me to fish!!!!!- no a good move with the wife there who ghas hardly seen me!!!) we then went onto Liffey falls before travelling up the hill.

We met John Horsey later in the evening- chris is helping do a photography piece for' tight lines' in March- so we had a glass of red or two.

The hospitality has been unbelievable from all the locals.

Tatics wise the Australia team were streets ahead - as expected with four Tasmania anglers in their team.
As expected with Australia with all their sport they have great spirit and resources at heir disposal.

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